Dear Editor:
We recently received a letter from Lightstream Resources Ltd., requesting a significant discount in service rates. I understand Crescent Point is singing the same song.
We have had several years now of good oil prices and now these two companies are already crying for help from the service sector.
Listen carefully: There are no significant discounts to be had. In our business we have a good year if we make 10 per cent and our friendly taxman takes half of that. Here at Svein Bryeide Construction Ltd; we will decline your offer.
We have always treated all customers fairly and honestly. Our rule is a full day’s work for a full day’s pay and it is going to remain that way.
I understand I will be blacklisted. That is fine.
I have seen a lot of companies come and go in the 50 years I have worked here. There are a lot of oil companies out there who still appreciate good work at the going rates. We do not set our rates on how wealthy our customer is. We set our rates on our cost of operations.
For those of you in the service sector that are going to cut rates, you better think again. Next year you will be out there in your underwear because you won’t be able to afford pants.
There is only one thing worse than going broke, and that is working yourself broke.
Our premier ran all over the world telling everyone how busy and wealthy we were, and that was not very long ago. I have seen several so-called oil booms in my time here. These oil booms always seem to leave people and communities in debt.
Maybe there is someone out there who can figure out a way to blame either the NDP or the First Nations community for this mess, for that is usually how we do it.
Svein Bryeide
Benson, Sask.