WEYBURN - The Weyburn Police Service responded to 77 calls for service for the week of March 18 to March 25, 2025.
Notable incidents during the week included:
Well Being/Mental Health calls: Police received eight calls of this nature over the week. In one occurrence, police transported an adult female in distress to the Weyburn General Hospital for further care. In a separate incident, police located a very intoxicated adult male in public. He was arrested and placed in cells until sober.
Theft of Fuel: On March 18, Weyburn Police received a complaint of fuel stolen from a vehicle. An investigation revealed that the fuel line was cut and half a tank of fuel stolen. The investigation is ongoing.
Theft under $5,000: On March 19, a complainant came into the Weyburn Police Service department to report an unknown male had come into his backyard stealing seven bags of cans. The police have video of the subject and investigation is ongoing.
Break & Enter, Resist arrest, Assault Police Officer: In the early morning hours of March 21, Weyburn Police received a complaint of a Break and Enter in progress to a residence. Upon arrival, police found the adult male trying to gain entry into the residence. The male resisted arrest and assaulted the police officer. The male was subdued and placed into custody, while the officer sustained a severe injury to his hand that needed medical attention. The accused will appear in court on a later date.
Assault: On March 21, in the early morning hours, police responded to a report of a domestic disturbance at a residence in Weyburn. Police attended and found that an adult male had assaulted an adult female. The male was arrested without incident and later released on conditions of no contact with the other party.
Accidents: Police responded to three accidents over the week. Tickets were given where necessary. No injuries were reported.
Traffic: Weyburn Police monitored school zones throughout the week, and a few tickets were issued. Police also monitored a construction zone where multiple drivers were found going above the posted 60km/hr limit.
*Anyone with information regarding any one of these matters, or any other matter of a criminal nature, is encouraged to contact the Weyburn Police Service at (306) 848-3250, the local RCMP Detachment at 310-RCMP (7267), or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).