It is with sadness that we announce today that our last edition of The Yorkton News Review will roll off the press on October 27th, 2016. We will continue to publish two great community papers, Yorkton This Week and This Week Marketplace. Please continue to support them so we can continue to publish these papers for many years to come.
It is becoming increasingly difficult to be a Publisher of newspapers in the digital world. One must remember that the local journalist leads an extremely important role in a democratic free society and without that voice, you the people, may not be as informed as you need to be in order to help make proper decisions that affect your life and the life of your family and friends.
Newspapers, and in particular, community newspapers need the support of the business and government community in the form of advertising to continue to get the message out. We are not looking for a handout. The advertising you place in community newspapers work. They are read by 8 out of 10 people and advertising is a big part of why people read community newspapers.
Yorkton This Week and This Week Marketplace continue to employ many people that live in and around Yorkton. They could be your friends, family or neighbor. We still have many children delivering your paper door to door. Almost everyone that I have talked with has had some relationship with their community newspaper. Whether you have worked as a carrier or your children or relative has been involved with the newspaper sometime, almost everyone is touched by their newspaper.
We want this to continue, but we need your support in way of advertising or subscriptions. Please call 306-782-2465 to subscribe or for all your advertising needs.
Jim Ambrose
V.P. of Operations
Prairie Newspaper Group