In just two years, The Yorkton Festival of Cultures has become a must-see event. On Sunday, classrooms at Sacred Heart High School were transformed into pavilions showcasing the arts, traditions and food of some of the cultures that make up the community mosaic Yorkton has become.
Represented were Jamaica, Thailand, Phillipines, South Korea, Guatemala, Mexico, Morrocco, United Kingdom, Doukhobor community, Kaposvar community and Ukraine.
At 2:30 a standing-room-only crowd squeezed its way into the school auditorium to be entertained by music and dancing from around the globe.
Edith Montesclaros, senior settlement coordinator with the Yorkton Newcomer Welcome Centre and organizer of the Festival of Cultures, said the event easily surpassed its goal of attracting 800 to 900 people this year. She attributes that rousing success simply to the nature of Yorkton.
"It tells that the community is so welcoming and they accept diversity," she said. "They really would like a taste of the cultures present in the community now. It also shows that the community is more global now. They want a taste of different places, not just the food, but the culture itself."