The Yorkton Business Improvement District appeared before the regular meeting of Yorkton Council Monday to give a brief report on its 2020 budget.
The YBID budget is based on a total revenue of $212,000, explained the organization’s executive director Donna Brothwell.
The anticipated expenditures for programs and projects is $130,950. The YBID also has a number of long term commitments, she noted.
Budget projects include;
*Clean Sweep: This project continues for 2020 with our partnership with SIGN. Our local workers will once again be out on the streets keeping our District clean. We have also manufactured two new carts and signs to hit the Streets for end of June beginning of July.
*Flower and pots: Also a project which will continue with two partners. Young’s Plant world and Prairie Harvest Employment Centre. The pots are started early in the year and place in several locations in the District and cared for by our Partners during the year. A possible increase to this project could include a senior’s care program which would bring our seniors into our District to care for our pots with deadheading. More to come on that.
*Skateboard Fence: This project includes a partnership with CN Rail to put up a fence along the rail line by the skateboard park.
*Dracup Reserve: The walking bridge along the Dracup area in our District is on-going at the moment but a part of our budget does include payment for this in partnership with the City of Yorkton.
*Old Mill: 2020 marks the final payment of a 15,000 dollar donation to our Old Mill. ED has sat in on the Strat Planning session as well.
There are also some new projects being considered, said Brothwell, including a new look at strategic planning.
“Our last Strategic Planning session was in 2017 which developed a plan for 2018 – 2020. As this is up we are planning a new session for 2020 when we can meet once more. The plan will include reviewing all our programs and sponsorships as well as our Logo and much more,” detailed Brothwell’s report to Council.
In addition, “We are proud to announce publicly that we have once again partnered with our City in the Beautification project at the Highway #9 and Broadway gateway to our City. This project gives us the opportunity to Partner with our City as well as beautify one of the most used entrances to our Main streets. Meeting our mandate and doing a project at that corner which is in our District boundaries. We are committed to 150,000 towards this project over a three year time,” she said.
The report was accepted and filed by Council.