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Radisson Ag Fair holds vintage tractor pull

Borden / Radisson News

Radisson Ag Fair held a successful vintage tractor pull again in 2019, with 31 entries in the classes. Winners in each weight class were: 5,000 lb -1. Ernie Nuestaeter and his JD AR; 2. Russell Schultz with his Massey 33; 6,000 lb - 1. Harold Wood driving a Super Major Fordson; 2. Terry Box with his John Deere GP; 7,000 lb – 1. Curtis  Lammers driving a Allis Chalmers D17; 2. Ken Wright with his Farmall MD; 8,000 lb – 1. Jeremy Hosegood driving his D2 Caterpillar; 2. Russell Schultz with his Massey 444; 9,000 lb – 1. Russell Schultz with his Massey 444; 2. Jeremy Hosegood driving Moline GB; 10,000 lb – 1. Larry Urick with a Case 930; 2. Russell Schultz with his MMoline GVI; 12,000 lb – 1. Nolan Loessin with his John Deere 820, also winning the Bernard Wilkie trophy; 2. Les Wilkie driving a JD 830.

Playing on the Delisle Pride team, which won silver at the 12 team U19 Men’s Canadian Fast Pitch Championship held in Owen Sound, Ont., Aug.  6-11, was Brayden Harris, son of Wade and Lori Harris of Maymont and grandson to Don and Roberta Harris of Radisson. Delisle ended up in first place in the round robin, won their next two games and went straight to finals were they were beaten by Ontario’s Shallow Lake Sting team.

On Aug. 14 at the Borden Health Centre grounds, The Great Outdoors was held for children six years and under, but any age was welcome and they had 30 or more children drop in to take part in a fishing pond, bug catching, sensory play, campfire reading, games and crafts and parachute play. The event was held to encourage children to get outside, play and have fun in the great outdoors.

The Borden Library wrapped up their six-week Summer Children’s program Aug. 14. During the six weeks it took place on Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and they did crafts, outdoor activities, reading, playing games and much more. In charge was Danika Pidwerbesky with helpers Katelyn Worona, Sydney Schmidt, Emma Larner and Noah Braun. They averaged 18 children five to 12 years old each week. Upcoming at the library is a movie on the 20th, crafts on the 23rd, bingo on Aug. 27 and game time on Aug. 30. Then it’s back to school on Sept. 3.

Adventures at the Borden Museum on Aug. 17 had Archie Wainwright demonstrating rope making from baler twine. Helping out were his daughter Jennifer, Ed Neufeld and Stew Walton. Jennifer told about early rope making, dating back 28,000 years when the Egyptians used rope to build the pyramids, then to the 2,800 BC era when hemp rope was use in eastern countries, then on to the pioneers in our country making their own ropes using binder twine. Archie strung three strands of six strands each on the machine blocked in the back of a half ton with Ed Neufeld holding the notched paddle at the other end, then Stew turned it to twist and braid it, while Archie kept it from tangling, then he and Ed stretched the rope and Stew burned off the burrs making a very strong rope that would hold 1,800 lbs. Following the demo, the spectators enjoyed a cold drink with goodies. There is one more Adventure at the Museum, on Aug. 31 at 2 p.m. with June Nichol talking about the one-room country school.

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