Weyburn – There’s a palpable feeling in the Weyburn oilpatch that things are looking up, so you better get in your truck and get to Weyburn on June 5-6 for the Saskatchewan Oil and Gas Show to see for yourself.
Del Mondor, show chair, said on May 9, “We’ve had a recovery in the oil business just in time for our oil show. Lots of people are going to be around. Lots of exhibitors, lots of fun, commerce going on. We expect just as many exhibitors, if not more, than 2017.
“We’ve upped our game on our speakers. Rex Murphy and Vivian Krause are both highly sought-after speakers.”
Murphy is well known for his acerbic commentary, previously on CBC, and currently with the National Post. He has been a fervent defender of the Canadian oilpatch, pointing out how, when his native Newfoundland was brought low by the cod fishing moratorium, it was the oilpatch that provided its people with jobs and hope. Murphy will be speaking at 12:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 6.
Krause has come to prominence in recent months as her efforts over seven years to expose the influence of foreign money in a campaign to landlock the oilsands has gained attention. Many of the issues she raised were referenced in the acceptance speech of Premier Jason Kenney when he won the recent Alberta election. Krause will take the stage at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, June 5.
“She’s got a great message, and it’s a real eye-opener for those that want to listen. If you want to listen and find out just what’s going on, and who’s trying to influence everything in our industry, I think Vivian’s got some facts to share,” Mondor said.
“We’re really excited. We’ve got a great lineup of speakers. There’s a cabinet meeting on Wednesday morning, so we’re going to have a full slate of Saskatchewan government officials. The premier will be speaking at the premier’s luncheon on Wednesday, which is our Hall of Fame awards as well.”
It has since been announced that Pierre Poilievre, MP for Carleton, Gerard Deltell, MP for Louis-Saint Laurent, and Robert Kitchen, MP for Souris-Moose Mountain will also be speaking at noon on June 5.
“The Saskatchewan as well as the southeastern Saskatchewan Oilman of the Year will be announced Wednesday night for our luncheon. Again, a hugely popular steak and lobster night on Tuesday. It’s a whole bunch of different events, and a whole bunch of positivity going on in the oil business,” Mondor said.
That was born out by the numerous interviews Pipeline Newsconducted for this edition. Most Weyburn oilpatch companies were expressing a positive outlook, and many had either been hiring or beginning to invest in new capital equipment in recent months.
There’s a new service rig in town, for instance. He’d like to see it in the oil show, but it’s going to work instead.
“That’s the kind of optimism I’m talking about, the change from everybody just feeling beaten up about everything. By no means am I saying we’re out of the woods and everything’s rosy, but there’s a hint of optimism that maybe the light at the end of the tunnel isn’t a train. It might be the end of the tunnel.
“The re-investment, not only by service companies, but by producers, is a clear indication of that increased positivity,” Mondor said.